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Discover Caro, MI’s Comprehensive Wound Care Clinic

Regain Your Health and Life With Our Help

No one should have to go on their healing journey alone. At Advanced Wound Care of Caro, our mission is to provide comprehensive, patient-focused wound care to residents of Caro, MI and the Upper Thumb region. We specialize in treating and managing wounds of all types and severity, getting your life and health back on track quickly and carefully. With our innovative therapies and cutting-edge technology, we will diagnose, treat, and educate you on the best management solutions for you and your injury.

ladies hugging and smiling

From Acute to Chronic Wounds, We Will Help You

We understand that each wound carries a story of struggle, pain, and resilience. From traumatic wounds requiring immediate care to persistent wounds that need long-term strategies, our seasoned team provides care and pain management for a broad spectrum of wounds. Whether it’s a burn, incision, ulcer, laceration, or surgical wound, our specialists ensure each treatment plan is tailored to your unique needs. With our comprehensive and compassionate care, we promise to give each case our full attention. Our patient-focused practice means you are always the number one decision-maker, so our goal is as much about educating you as it is about healing you.

Learn About Our Extensive Services and State-of-the-Art Technology

With our extensive experience and varied strategies, you can trust us to always know what’s right for you. We offer thorough assessment and diagnosis, meticulous cleaning and debridement, effective infection control, and expert dressing changes. In addition to the traditional strategies, Advanced Wound Care of Caro is proud to offer innovative treatments such as negative pressure wound therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, and bioengineered tissues. In fact, we are the only clinic in Michigan to provide state-of-the-art Vaporox VHT Therapy, too. We understand that each wound and each patient is unique, and we customize our treatment plans accordingly to ensure the best possible outcomes.

Advanced Wound Care of Caro

1800 West Caro Road, Suite 12
Caro, MI 48723


Hours of Operation
Monday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM