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Effective Acute Wounds Treatment in Caro, MI

Sudden injuries happen all the time. Whether it’s an accidental cut from a kitchen knife, a bite from a stray animal, or a loose nail puncturing a foot, sometimes you need immediate and effective wound care. These suddenly occurring injuries are called acute wounds. Advanced Wound Care of Caro takes care of those traumatic injuries with our acute wounds treatment in Caro, MI and the Upper Thumb region. With our compassionate team of specialists, we will ensure you receive meticulous and rapid treatment. From assessment and cleaning to dressing and infection control, our clinic is the best and only choice to ensure no future complications arise from your injury.

mother and son smiling

What Kind of Acute Wounds Do We Treat?

From surgical and traumatic wounds to burns and fractures, we will provide the acute wound care you need. With our state-of-the-art technology and methods, we can guarantee the best option for your treatment, no matter the injury’s origin. After identifying the injury, we will set up a plan for you to ensure optimal healing conditions.

Here Are Some Examples of Acute Wounds That We Help Heal

Open Wounds

Whether your wound is a clean cut, deep tear, or rough scrape, we can help. We specialize in treating abrasions, incisions, lacerations, and punctures.


This injury is when a portion of skin and tissue is torn away and usually happens in car crashes or incidents involving large machinery.


We treat all kinds of burns, whether fire, chemical, electric, or radiation.


Sometimes, broken bones cause acute wounds. If the bone pierces the skin, it is an open fracture. If not, it is a closed fracture.


Whether animal or human, bites can be dangerous if left untreated. Getting professional care when bitten is essential, as they carry a high risk of infection.

Skin Grafts

Skin grafts placed over wounds protect them from infection and promote healing. However, complications can arise from them if they are irritated or opened. We are trained to handle any problems you have with your skin grafts.

Immediate and Thorough Acute Wound Care

At Advanced Wound Care of Caro, we don’t rush people out the door. With our patient-focused philosophy, we prioritize your safety and comfort. We understand how vital it is to have quick and in-depth acute wound treatment to ensure more significant issues don’t arise later, but we also always give you the careful attention you need. Get in touch today so we can learn more about your unique needs and put together a personalized treatment plan.

Schedule an Appointment With Advanced Wound Care of Caro Today