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Improve Your Health With Specialty Wound Care in Caro, MI

When it comes to wound care, we know that you are not only looking for high-quality medical treatment. You want someone who truly cares and understands what you are going through. Advanced Wound Care of Caro offers this. Our specialty wound care clinic in Caro, MI and the Upper Thumb region knows you are the number one stakeholder in these practices. We supply many innovative and advanced therapies designed with each patient’s individual health as the priority.

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See How We Treat Complex Wounds

We understand that each wound and each person is unique. They require a specialized approach to healing. With our extensive experience, we always carefully assess and diagnose your wound, so you have a personalized, ideal care plan.

Some of the Common Wounds That Require Our Specialty Care

Perforating Foot Ulcers

Open sore wounds on the foot can become deeper, penetrating wounds that may worsen if left untreated.


This infection occurs within the bone and requires treatment that addresses both the wound and the underlying bone infection.

Non-Healing Surgical Wounds

Our specialists have the skills and technology to stimulate wound healing after surgical procedures.


Whether caused by fire, chemicals, electricity, or radiation, burns can be excruciating and difficult to heal. We provide comprehensive burn care for all origins.

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The Benefits of Bioengineered Tissue

Bioengineered tissues are used when traditional wound care treatments are ineffective or when wounds are particularly complex. These skin substitutes are designed to mimic your body’s skin, encouraging the growth of new, healthy cells, and can even significantly shorten their healing time. We often recommend them for treating chronic, non-healing wounds and burns. With these cutting-edge therapies, our experienced advisors will monitor your progress and adjust the process as necessary, getting your health back as quickly as possible.

Learn About Negative Pressure Wound Therapy

Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (NPWT) is often used for treating complex wounds resistant to other treatments. This innovative therapy uses a specialized device to apply a gentle vacuum to the wound, helping remove excess fluid, reduce swelling, and promote tissue growth. NPWT is particularly effective for wounds with heavy drainage. With this vacuum technology, we can improve the healing rate of all kinds of wounds. This includes chronic, traumatic, surgical, split-open, or infected wounds.

Maximize Your Health With Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Sometimes, we may recommend our Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) strategies. This advanced treatment uses revolutionary technology to deliver 100% oxygen to a patient’s bloodstream. By entering a pressurized chamber, the patient’s body’s natural healing processes will be able to operate at a higher and faster level. The increasing oxygen concentration helps reduce swelling and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels. From osteomyelitis to ulcers, providing regular HBOT treatments may be the fix you need for your non-healing wound.

Discover VHT and Our Innovative Healing Technology

We take the time to listen to your needs and give you the best care possible, including our advanced technology. We are the only clinic in Michigan to provide Vaporox Hyperoxia Therapy (VHT). VHT places the affected area in a chamber that pumps vapor and concentrated oxygen to close wounds at an astounding rate. We also use the Orblight 1500 Max technology, a near-infrared light machine clinically proven to heal on a cellular level with wavelengths. These are just a few of the many state-of-the-art practices Advanced Wound Care of Caro offers. Trust our expertise and get in touch today to start your healing journey.

Schedule an Appointment With Advanced Wound Care of Caro Today